Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Steve Nash: Kobe's Ticket to the 2013 NBA Finals

If you cannot beat them, join them.

Welcome Steve Nash to the Los Angeles Lakers! As a Laker fan I want to celebrate on his arrival, it was on a very short notice but it was inevitable that the Lakers needed him in the back court, an elite point guard. The last elite PG was Nick Van Exel and damn that was pretty much so long ago. I was like 8 years old back then. Steve’s pretty much is 38 years old this year. Father time really has a way of catching up on people huh? And apparently, Kobe Bryant is no exception [He will turn 35 this August]. Man, this free-agency craze is really something. Not only that all young players have moved on from team to team but as well as the ‘veterans’ in the game.
Phoenix and Los Angeles have been division rivals. And everyone can’t believe nor accept this. Nash was sent to the Lakers via trade (two future first-round draft picks and bits of cash).

I find the Lakers starting five looking like the 2nd 3-peater Bulls in the 90’s.

Upon interviews, Kobe said that they have to be “dealt with” and that they are “dangerous”. I firmly believe in that but not in the adjective, “dangerous”. He’s probably not saying that they will be the “best” in league this coming 2013-2014 NBA Season. But being the “best” still goes to both the Miami Heat and the Oklahoma City Thunder in their perspective conferences, hands down.

Wow, Kobe had a nifty gift on the 4th of July from the Lakers management. Nice. Phoenix Suns Management sure is kind enough.

Despite this “upgrade” in their roster, The Lakers will be a better team than of the last two seasons, I suppose. But due to the aging line-up of the team, that’s going to play a major factor. They probably will, limit the playing time of Bryant and Nash on the floor. Because if we look at the roster of the Heat and the Thunders, for example. The Heat’s got the “prime” talents meanwhile the Thunder got the “young legs” going for them.  And that’s something that Kobe & the Lakers and its management must ponder and not omit. Experience nowadays in the NBA plays a lesser factor than it was before, no doubt about that. Since each year, newer drafted players have more skills and IQ than of those before them. Indeed.

Kobe doing less work? Shares the load to Nash.

By far Kobe had his worst shooting percentage this past season, a career low 43%. Now that he has Nash to share the load, I’m not entirely convinced that things would work out—easily. Since Kobe has never played with a truly ball-dominant point guard like Nash, but if he respects Nash immensely (like what he said in his interviews) and surely recognizes the ways in which playing with Nash, this will really extend his life as an NBA player. This is going to be exciting; will Kobe let Nash handle things during crunch time? Will Kobe let Nash initiate things? Oh wonders. Kobe is a definitive ball hog. True.

Kobe might just get another chance of getting another ring. Guess it is really up to them to work things out and find the balance, since we all witnessed how Mike Brown wasn’t able to put into good use of Pau Gasol in the floor.

With Nash handling the ball back court, easy buckets for the big men— definitely, more open shots for Kobe.

Bryant & Nash: '96 NBA Draft Class

A lot of analyst says that Kobe is adapted with the Phil Jackson’s home-made triangle offense. True. And that play was never once put up with an elite point guard like Nash. True. But Kobe isn’t 27 years old anymore. He is 34 years old. Let’s face it; he is past his ‘prime’. Give the ‘prime’ to LeBron James while he’s at it. The Lakers need the ball less in Kobe’s hands in iso situations. 

They’ve got to lessen their reliance on Mamba. Nash is a brilliant player in floor, not only he can get Kobe more open-shots but also for the rest of the team. He’s a great “pick and roll” option for the Lakers big men, Pau & Bynum. And he definitely is a great offensive player that can distribute the ball in every way you can think of. 

All we need now is for Kobe to trust and have more faith in his teammates. Because Mr. Nash can hit key shots more than Derek Fisher can, Not to mention he is also known as a clutch shooter in times when you need to score for a win. Word. I mean, it’s very evident that no point guard in the NBA this late in his career performs like Nash. If Kobe wants to win, Nash wants to win… and a championship ring.

The Best of Wild, Wild West

Oklahoma City Thunders, they’re the best in the west. Let us respect their talents and achievements. Since 2010 they have gotten closer and closer in getting an NBA title. And no one have expected them to get this far. They may have been eliminated in the first round in the 2011 NBA playoffs by the Lakers, but looking how they charged things to experience and sorted things in their baby steps. The results gave them a better way to get deeper in the playoffs and into the 2012 NBA Finals. They eligibly became a legit ‘playoff team’ in the western conference for sure.

For an unknown reason, I would rather want the OKC Thunders icon to be Kevin Durant, rather than that Russell Westbrook. And nope, I don’t want them to share that position. I like KD.

Kevin Durant in his reaction regarding Nash moving to the Lakers.

"That would make them better."

OKC is lucky to be in the West. I think, because they get to learn a lot from playing against aging veterans in the West. Beating San Antonio Spurs, Dallas Mavericks, Los Angeles Lakers, and the fallen Phoenix Suns (which failed in two consecutive seasons to reach the playoffs) surely is a great feeling to experience. 

Now, in order for the Lakers to get in the NBA Finals; they’ve got to work their way pass the raging Thunders. That’s easier said than done alright, but I love to say this that each NBA teams have their sneaky ways to beat each other in each round in the playoffs. And The Lakers have the history of being sneaky.

The Beasts of the East—Carmelo without a ring.

Beasts, simply because you have MIA enjoying most of it. Wade-James-Bosh, man those three came from the same draft class and that draft class had a lot of real talents for sure. I guess Carmelo Anthony badly want a taste of that championship ring too. Since he’s the only one left without it. Each of them has one ring; LeBron, Bosh, and Darko. And two for Wade. So, LeBron ain't a ringless King after all.

 I would answer MJ after the sixth ring. And if Kobe calls, I would answer him after the fifth. I would immediately answer Wade after the two—I won’t answer LeBron since he’s got no ring. Oh no... Wait… *le phone rings* Oh Mr. James, you called. I was wondering when you would call me… *conversation continues*

You can leave that joke now to Carmelo, peace. I guess, Carmelo is a great clutch shooter. But he’s not as good as LeBron. Frankly, he’s not even close to Wade; just he might be considered to be on Bosh’ level. The East had real contenders these past years. That’s without a doubt. Celtics, Miami, and Chicago those three had been battling at each others’ feet hard. 

But now that Celtics, their big three is extinguish by Ray Allen’s decision to join the Miami Heat (I’ve got to say, thank Rondo for that). It’s definitely safe to say that the East had a brief silence since MJ and his Bulls. Now, we have to thank each and every team in the East and definitely the Big team—Miami Heat.

Howard, we’re waiting for you.

Dwight Howard is 26 years old, can be the Lakers' marketable Hollywood star once Bryant is gone, and once Nash is gone too. Bynum will never be that presence, even if he’s an excellent center. Nash being in the Laker team now might invite Dwight to come to the Lakers. Meanwhile, Orlando’s target for a Howard deal still is Andrew Bynum. 

Dwight might reconsider being in a Laker jersey, since Nash will be the floor manager.
So there’s a big chance that Dwight will land in Hollywood. That is, if the Nets can’t do anything to top Orlando’s target. Kobe will probably welcome Howard as a teammate, but he definitely will not beg him to come. Since rumors say that there hasn’t been a talk or connection from the two since last season. 

If the Lakers get Dwight Howard… Oh boy, that’s like Shaq-fu part two. Need I remind you, Shaq came from Orlando as a first round-first overall draft pick in 1992, after he wasn’t re-signed as a Magic. He signed with the Lakers and gave the Lakers 3 consecutive championships with Kobe in the year 2000-2002.

All in All.
Steve Nash is going to be Kobe Bryant's ticket to the 2013 NBA Finals. That's pretty much what it seems. But as  it happens, they must work things out in the court and beat several other teams in the Western Conference.

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